Departure from UJC for the Annual Pilgrimage to Zeebrugge over the weekend 19-21 Aprll was scheduled for 0800, but following a small hiccup on the Jubilee Line with a ‘certain member,’ we left at 0815.
In our upgraded Luton Town Football luxury coach (thank you National Express), we arrived at Dover Priory where we were joined by the Paddock Wood lads and then on to St James’s Cemetery, Dover where following the Corps Prayer, Royal Marines wreaths were laid by WO1 Mick Wakeham RN and RMA Riders branch’s Scott Duncan; the Last Post & Reveille followed.
1800 saw everyone deposited in the Ibis hotel. We then mustered at the community centre where we were joined and hosted by the Feestcomité. Chairman David Ducoulombie gave a few words of welcome after which we were served a superb three course dinner with lashings of seconds of the main dish followed by the usual Zeebrugge ice cream........
